As part of a Clean Water Act (CWA) 319 assessment of Tribal water resources, the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Department of Natural Resources evaluated five watersheds within their service area that included land in northwest Indiana and southwest Michigan. The Galien River Watershed was chosen as a focus watershed for the first five years of the CWA 319 assessment program due to identified nonpoint source pollutants and to protect cold-water fish that have been found within the watershed.
As part of the nonpoint source pollution management plan, our team conducted a field assessment in 2017 to identify areas that might contribute to nonpoint source pollution. We identified six areas adjacent to the Four Winds Casino in New Buffalo that were located near impervious surfaces and/or that were adjacent to Nokmes Creek or Blood Run Creek, which had both reported high turbidity and E. coli levels. We recommended best management practices (BMPs) for each of the six areas, including permeable pavers, constructed wetlands, and bioswales, among other approaches.
Our team is now developing designs for three of the six identified locations. Specifically, the design will include a permeable paver parking area that will capture parking lot and mowed turf runoff prior to entering a wetland area adjacent to Nokmes Creek; a slope stabilization along the Nokmes Creek bank, which is actively sloughing and introducing sediment to the stream; and a constructed wetland and step pool adjacent to Blood Run Creek. We are completing wetland delineations, geotechnical investigations, and topographic survey and plans to complete the design by the end of 2023.
If you are interested in beginning a new project, you are a potential teaming partner, or you just want to chat about great architecture and engineering, please drop us a note.
Bodwé Professional Services
415 E. Prairie Ronde St.
Dowagiac, Michigan 49047
Seven Generations Architecture + Engineering
600 East Michigan Avenue
Suite B
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
3463 Magic Drive,
Suite T15
San Antonio, TX 78229
The Steelhead Engineering Company
259 E. Michigan Ave.,
Suite 407
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
WBK Engineering
116 W. Main St.
Suite 201
St. Charles, IL 60174
68 E. Michigan Ave.
Battle Creek, MI 49017
Blue Star Integrative Studio
320 S. Boston Avenue
Ste. 1710
Tulsa, OK 74103